Welcome to the homepage of the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project. This project is a cultural project betweeen Danish and Albanian artists, that has revived the beautiful Albanian songs of Lola Aleksi Gjoka (1910- 1985), the first Albanian pianist and female composer. Her collected songs have been recorded for the first time and published in two cd’s in Denmark. The project was initiated by Feride Istogu Gillesberg and realised with the help of Danish individuals such as Stig Fogh Andersen, Knud Rasmussen, Ask Fogh and Tom Gillesberg. The songs are old Albanian folkesongs that have been transformed into romances by Lola Aleksi Gjoka's classical piano accompenement. This project has revived a musical Albanian treasure, and brought to live for everybody to listen and discover. Enjoy! Read history!
The songs are available on streaming, et al. on Spotify , Youtube etc. Search for " Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project"
New Webpage - Lola Aleksi Gjoka Association
Excitement about the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project in Albania and Albanian communities all around the World.
The initiatior of the Lola Aleksi Gjoka project, Feride Istogu Gillesberg, has been interviewed by many Albanian medias such as RTSH, on “ Ditë pas dite”, the international Diaspora program of RTSH “Emisioni Ura”, RTV Korça, the Albanian the newspaper " Telegrafi” in print and online. Zeri i Kosoves - Denmark ( Voice of Kosova) made a documenation about the recordings in Denmark and published it online. The Albanian version of the Chinese National Radio published a long interview as well and the project did reach special attention by the Albanian community in the USA. The Albanian American online station AOAL had a long interview and the Albanian community in Worcester, Massachusetts invited Feride Gillesberg to take part at the largest Albanian festival in Worcester, Massachusetts to sing and speak about the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project (2-4 juni 2023). For many Albanians the Lola Aleksi Gjoka songs are dear to theire heard, but they were forgotten in the shadows of the political transformations of the 90ies. But our CD production revived this musical treasure. We have donated around 2000 CD's to music schools in Tirana, Elbansan, Durrës, Berat and Korça, Gjiorkaster, to musicians, artists, politicians, poets, intellectuals, journalists, liberarys, museums, Ministries and normal people. Read press!
Documentary about the Lola Gjoka Project
Historical - Songs arranged 100 years ago by Lola Gjoka, the first Albanian pianist, were recorded in Denmark. Over 50 songs composed by the first Albanian pianist Lola Gjoka in the 1930s were recorded in the Virum Church in Denmark. The songs are an excellent combination of classical music and Albanian folk song.
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Documentary about the Lola Gjoka Project
Historical - Songs arranged 100 years ago by Lola Gjoka, the first Albanian pianist, were recorded in Denmark. Over 50 songs composed by the first Albanian pianist Lola Gjoka in the 1930s were recorded in the Virum Church in Denmark. The songs are an excellent combination of classical music and Albanian folk song.
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RTSH - Radio Televizioni Shqiptar interview with Feride Gillesberg about the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project.
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RTSH - Radio Televizioni Shqiptar interview with Feride Gillesberg about the Lola Aleksi Gjoka Project.
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